types of face masks

Be Less Judgmental

    I understand that we all judge people at one point in our lives so this is just to show that you sHOULDN'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.

Me af.

- Imagine how it feels like to be judged by others.

- Mind your own business.

- Don't expect life to go the way you always want it to go.

- Actions and looks doesn't symbolize the person's true-self.

- The more you judge yourself, the more you judge other people so, stop judging yourself.

- Keep in your mind, heart, soul and gucci bag that everyone has their own style and don't expect them to be just like you.

- Train your mind to see good in everyone. How? Be positive.

- Think about what you thinking about before you decide to act on it or say it.

- Every time you feel want to judge someone, say this
" I don't know why she/he like that, i don't know what she/he have been through, so imma just shut up and do my job "
Well, idk 'bout you but this is what i've been doing ↑ and it works

Hope this helped. Comment for suggestions ♡

5 previous posts :

- things you shouldn't be embarrassed about 
- some cats to brighten your day
- how to get over a crush
- habits for confidence
- self harm alternatives
