types of face masks

truth or dare ideas

Truth 💣

- what is your guilty pleasure?

- do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

- how many selfies do you take a day?

- what was your most embarrassing moment in public?

- true or false? you have a crush on [fill in the name]

- what is your worst habit?

- what was the last thing you texted?

- what is the most illegal thing you have ever done?

- what is your biggest pet peeve?

- if you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?

- do you think [fill in the name] cute?

- what is your biggest fear?

- do you pee in the shower?

Dare 🐸

- stand up and do your best impersonation of the person on your right

- describe what the sky looks like without using the words blue or white

- sing the chorus of your favorite song

- open Instagram and 'like' the first thing that pops out even if you disagree with it

- from now on until your next turn, every time someone talks, interrupt by saying, "that's a lie"

- get slapped on the face by the person of your choosing

- imagine the person to your left is your pet, talk to them as though you just got home

- dance with no music for 30 seconds

- describe what your crush looks like

- talk in an accent for the next 3 rounds

- for the next 15 minutes, everything you say must be spoken in baby talk

- let the group look through your phone for 2 minutes

- imitate a celebrity every time you talk for 3 minutes

Hope this helped. Comment for suggestions ♡

5 previous posts :

- relatable memes 
- why your face isn't clearing up
- lip care
- ways to avoid drama in school
- ways to learn new language 
